Spring Clean the living room

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Spring Clean the living room

The living room is where you spend a lot of time, especially so over the past few years. Many people enjoy relaxing in their living room after a difficult day at work – even if work has been at home. Unfortunately, though, at the end of a busy day, not all of us walk into this oasis of calm; mainly as we’ve not found the time to tidy it. Whether you’ve been short of time because of work, or could just do with getting on top of the cleaning, we are going to reveal everything you need to know about how to spring clean the living room effectively. That way, you can turn it into a more enjoyable place to be.


A clean living room means a more enjoyable space

To make things easier for you, we have put together this living room cleaning checklist. This will make sure you do not forget anything important.

  • Open your windows
  • Vacuum the sofas and do some spot cleaning if needed
  • Wash any cushion covers or throws. You can also remove any lint or bobbles from them too
  • Dust and clean all of the furniture, shelves, and décor (including the radiators!)
  • Dust and clean lampshades and lamps
  • Wash your windows and window sills
  • Dust all of your electronics, including your television
  • Untangle any wires and tidy them so that they are out of sight
  • Sort through your film, music, and DVD collections. Consider donating or selling any that your family are not interested in anymore
  • Wash and disinfect your light switches
  • Wash the living room walls
  • Clean the doorknobs and the doors themselves
  • Dust air vent covers
  • Sweep or vacuum your floors
  • Wash and dry your floors


Scheduling cleaning tasks will make tidying your living room much more manageable

When you tidy up your living room, there are some tasks that you will need to do more frequently than others. So, here is a schedule to help you out:

  • Daily – Just before you settle down to relax, collect any items that are lying around, such as toys, and put them back into their place. That way, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the space.
  • Weekly – Once a week, make sure you dust your living room, starting from the left to right, top to bottom. Once you have done this, you can clean all of your surfaces, such as your coffee table. Finish off by vacuuming your furniture. Remove the cushions from your sofa and place them differently, rotating them, so you can minimise wear and tear.
  • Monthly – Every month, move your furniture and vacuum underneath it. You should wash your windows too if the weather allows.
  • Yearly – Every year, we recommend taking the time to re-evaluate your living space, making the effort to carefully declutter. If something is hard to reach, such as your high shelves, grab a ladder and make sure you clean it thoroughly. This is also the perfect chance for you to clean your fireplace if you have one.


There is nothing comforting about clutter. Getting your living room organised is another important step when it comes to creating a clean vibe. It’s wise to make sure that you keep on top of this clutter too, which means getting rid of an item whenever you add another item to the home. It’s also good to get in the habit of putting things away when you have finished using them.


Spring cleaning won’t be a chore if you follow these tips

There are many different elements that make up your living room, so it is important to give them all a bit of attention. Let’s take a look at some easy and effective tips on how to clean the living room in the way it deserves:

  • Wooden furniture – Why not give all of the wooden elements in your living room a once-over with beeswax or another type of suitable rejuvenator?
  • Washing your windows – You may need to give your windows some TLC as well. Wash them both inside and out. To get a streak-free finish, we recommend using a squeegee. You should also wipe down any door tracks or sliding windows, as they tend to be a haven for dust. You can do the same for any other glass surfaces you have in your living area.
  • Use microfibre cloths on electronics – You can gently clean your electronics, including your TV screen and cables, with a microfibre cloth.
  • Cleaning your upholstered items – For your upholstered items, use a specialised leather product, moistened cloth, or a vacuum cleaner. If you have any white furniture, we recommend dipping a microfiber cloth in a solution of dish soap and water to wipe it down. Use a baby wipe or white distilled vinegar to blot away any stains or a Magic Eraser for marks.
  • Vacuuming your living room – You should also vacuum the floor, including the furniture and under the sofa. Use attachments so you can get into all of the tight areas. For wooden floors, you can wipe them with a microfibre mop once you have vacuumed the floor. If you have a rug, shake it out to get rid of any debris before you vacuum it. If you are pressed for time, it can be a good idea to invest in a handheld vacuum so you can pick up crumbs and animal fur with ease. You can also get robotic vacuums , which do all of the hard work for you without needing your assistance.
  • Clean your bookshelves. A huge amount of dust can gather on shelves, and this tends to be an area that a lot of people neglect when cleaning their living space. If you get some time, why not gently take your books off the bookshelf, and then dust them with a clean, soft brush. It’ll also give you a chance to see what you want to read next, or what books you no longer need.
  • Cleaning your throws and cushion covers – You should wash or dry clean your throws and cushion covers. Throw rugs ought to be cleaned once per every fortnight to be safe. Use a gentle cycle in cold water and then leave the throw to airdry.


If you use the checklist and advice that we have provided above, you’re sure to keep your living room clean at all times. We know it can be difficult to keep on top of everything but you will certainly be glad that you did, when you sink into your sofa, ready for a relaxing evening.

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